Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Traffic Exchanges


So Today I thought I would tell you what I have learned about traffic exchanges so far.

Traffic exchanges seem to be pretty cool if you have some time to surf.

The basic idea behind them is that you surf looking at other people's websites, and then in exchange, they look at yours.

I have to admit that I have been spending an hour or two (or more) suring and gaining credits.

One thing about these traffic exchanges is that YOU MUST UPGRADE IMMEDIATELY.

The amount of "credits" that you get is so much more worth it when you have upgraded.

I wouldn't even bother with the free packages.. not even worth it.

The two that I have been working with over the last week or so have been traffic Swarm and


Here is what I have learned about them.

Traffic Swarm is cool because it is very easy to use. I upgraded right away because you get a ton of extra goodies for doing the same thing.

You just set up the surfing page to come up automatically as a tab, whenever you open internet explorer (firefox works also)

I'm not sure why, but the TS25 site created alot more traffic for me a lot quicker. I immediately upgraded with that one also, and after 2 days I got an additional 600 hits on my website from them, (325 unique)

Also, I think it's important to point out that there is a difference between a "view" and a "click"

Just in case you don't know a view is when someone looks at your page, a click is when someone actually clicks on your page. A click is obviously a lot better than a view. Doesn't mean that they are going to buy anything or sign up for anything, but at least they took a look at your site. That is one step closer to actually joining you!!

I used some of my upgraded "bonus" credits with t25 to do banner ads. That was a waste. I wouldn't encourage you to do that.

As of right now I have about 14000 banner impresssions, and about 4 clicks.

I currently dedicate about 1/2-2 hours a day clicking and surfing... It's a good start to building your own business.

Oh and one other thing...

As I am surfing every once in a while I will actually look at other peoples offers. Although there is a lot of junk out there being promoted, there are some good opportunities as well that may "fit in" with what you are currently doing.

Also, you can learn from their websites as well, and implement some of thier strategies. After all it was interesting enough for you to take a look right?


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