Sunday, September 2, 2007

Couldn't Sleep last night... This is what I did

Here in San Diego we are in the hottest time of year. The last week of August and the first week or two fo September are just way too hot.

At our house it has been over 100 last couple of days, and the humidity is terrible. Although we do have a pool (thank God!!) we don't have a very good air conditioner.

So I have been spending a lot of time with my computer at the local Starbucks... Not drinking coffee, but just using their space and air conditioner. (they don't mind, I always buy something and tip them well)

Anyway, I couldn't sleep last night because it was so hot, So I decided to build a website for fun.

I'm not much of a web designer, so I just (borrowed) from so other websites and sales letters that I liked.

I had a bunch of credits saved up from one of my traffic exchanges (s25, see the link to the right) so I decided to use my credits to send people to my new site.

I had never really done that before, usually I only promote my affiliate sites, but I thought I would give it a try.

Just over night (On a Saturday Night, over a three day holiday weekend) here is what happened.

About 400 people saw my website because of the traffic exchange.

I got 3 people that opted-in to my email list.
I got 1 person that actually signed up for my program.

The traffic exchange still owes me about 400 more hits... We'll see what happens.

Not bad for a night of insomnia.

If you would like some help setting up these types of systems for yourself, please let us know!!

Keith Jenkins

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