Monday, September 10, 2007


Wife and I had an interesting conversation the other day.

We were taking a look at how much we we were paying in bills and all, and the idea came to us... If we lived somewhere else, with the amount of money that we take in from our online businesses, we would live like Kings...

So we started to look around. We have been researching Costa Rica. We figured that as long as our income continues with our online businesses, we really have no need to stay in the United States.

Of course we would still be citizens here, but we would have the ability to rent a villa on the beach for about $1000-1500 per month.

This would include a full time cook and maid. (wife's not big on housecleaning)

Here in Southern California we are paying over $4000 per month in our mortgage alone.

We were just thinking... Why continue here? The only thing holding my wife back is that her daughter is going to college nearby. But the reality of it is we don't see her but once every couple of months anyway.

I was just curious of any of our readers have done anything like this and what your comments, questions and concerns are.

I may be looking into the possiblity of creating a business that would help people move to foriegn countries, secure their assets, and reduce the amount of tax that they pay, at the same time living in a paradise!!

What do you think of that?


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